Marco – 45

Hello, I wanted your opinion. I practice 4-time tantra every time with 2 operators. Lately I am approaching 4-handed tantra with a nudity operator and operator. In this threesome context, I’m noticing that I can experience the massage more intensely. I wanted to know if, in your opinion, it may be even if unconsciously a first bisexual approach, even if this pleasure only manifests itself in a three-way context, even in the presence of a woman and not in the presence of a single male figure. Thank you

Hello Marco, the nature of each individual is divided by a male and a female component, sometimes in an individual one can be more pronounced with respect to another; for example in a homosexual man, the female component is much more accentuated than the male one, to experience erotic pleasure in an individual of the same sex, is not an abnormal or wrong thing, unfortunately our society has developed on heterosexual couple models , and just having sexual interest for a person of our own sex, has always been seen and interpreted as something wrong and sick, these prejudices have obviously created a series of misconceptions about sexuality. In your specific case, you are discovering that in a Tantra massage performed also by a man, it is not as annoying as you could have imagined, you have simply overcome that mental limit that imposes us all heterosexuals, and that an erotic fantasy can be born and can be developed even with another man.
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