Tantra Lingam Massage

The Sanskrit word to refer to male sexual organ is Lingam and can be freely translated as ‘Wand of Light’. It symbolizes the creative and pleasure Energy. Only a loving approach to the Lingam allows man to taste an unexpected and unusual kind of pleasure. The massage starts with a slow and steady diaphragmatic breathing, when body relax, we begin to gently massage the testicles, the bones of the pelvis area, and the area between testicles and anus. The treatment continues to the base of the Lingam with lengthening, twisting, and rounding movements on the gland, stimulating the Sacred Spot at the same time. The massage stops and restarts again and again, to amplify Pleasure and calibrate ejaculation, the energy arises all over the body, breathing increases till reach a long lasting and intense orgasm.

As per Tantric Art teaching there are many nervous terminations in the Lingam coinciding with other parts of our body: it’s believed that various diseases can be cured with a well done massage.
The Lingam massage maintains the power as longer as possible, controlling nervous stimulations and having positive effects on psychological and physical wellbeing.