Manuel – 52
Hello. My partner and I are very open. She is also an expert in sex toys and erotic literature. I would like to give her a highly erotic massage, where you know how it starts but you don’t know how it ends. She is in favor of it. I would stay and watch for a while, and then, maybe I would participate in whatever happens. It can be done ? We are without taboos. And she is quite demanding but responsive. Thanks.

Hello Manuel, in our holistic center, we offer various types of erotic treatments for the couple, according to your fantasy, the most suitable is certainly the Cuckold massage, an erotic massage that is performed by an operator, lasting 90 minutes, where she can decide to watch or participate. The whole sequence of the massage is designed to stimulate the imagination and recreate an erotic and sensual game for the couple.
Elisa-Sex Academy