Livia – 42
Good evening Sex Academy, I am Livia a lover of extreme sex, my husband and I practice bdsm sex and we love to play with whips and ropes, a few days ago he asked me to try figging, I read up on the internet and asked friends if they knew this game better, before trying, I would like to know if it is a safe practice and what are the steps to take to avoid possible problems. Thank you all and congratulations for the forum.

Good morning Livia, Figging, like all the extreme practices used in the BDSM context, always need foresight, and above all common sense. For those unfamiliar with this practice, Figging consists of introducing a ginger root into the anus; ginger creates an intense burning sensation, increasing blood circulation in the buttocks, so as to feel more pain if you are spanked or whipped. The advice I can give you is to peel and clean the ginger root well, to use a piece large enough to prevent it being sucked into the anus, a useful ploy is to tie a thread to the base, so that it can extract without problems; lastly I suggest you always use lubricant, I know very well that BDSM lovers will hate me for this, because the lubricant can reduce the burning effect that ginger releases, but for the first time it would not be wrong to use it. Have fun.
Patricia – Sex Academy