Barbara – 49

Hi, I would like to do one of your massages, but I am ashamed to think that I am immediately all naked and then to have my genitals touch me. With which massage can I start to overcome this block? I’d like to involve my husband in one of your massages too, but I’m jealous and I don’t know which one to do. Thanks for the reply

Hello Barbara, in our holistic studio we also carry out traditional treatments, such as the Californian massage, the Swedish or Ayurvedic massage, these are treatments that are performed in disposable briefs and there is no contact with the genitals; if instead you want to experiment with a tantric massage, we definitely recommend the Tantra Kundalini massage, in this case the massage begins with a ritual of tantric breathing, cleaning the Aura and rebalancing the Chakras, which is carried out in a pareo, to prepare the person gradually to receive the treatment. Regarding a couple massage to also involve your husband, we always recommend the same treatment, in this case, you can experience the massage first alone, and then make it in pairs.
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